Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Nippon India Tax Saver (ELSS) Gr Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 111.6525
24-02-2025 111.8096
21-02-2025 113.2116
20-02-2025 113.9731
19-02-2025 113.065
18-02-2025 112.1162
17-02-2025 112.1088
14-02-2025 112.1814
13-02-2025 113.6363
12-02-2025 113.8356
11-02-2025 113.8187
10-02-2025 115.9349
07-02-2025 117.4097
06-02-2025 117.5955
05-02-2025 118.3517
04-02-2025 118.1186
03-02-2025 116.3477
31-01-2025 117.3857
30-01-2025 116.0812
29-01-2025 115.9791
28-01-2025 114.0219
27-01-2025 113.8732
24-01-2025 116.1626
23-01-2025 117.339
22-01-2025 116.5756
21-01-2025 116.9577
20-01-2025 119.294
17-01-2025 118.7771
16-01-2025 119.0096
15-01-2025 118.2162
14-01-2025 117.3113
13-01-2025 115.8804
10-01-2025 118.7378
09-01-2025 120.5822
08-01-2025 121.5793
07-01-2025 122.5921
06-01-2025 122.0102
03-01-2025 124.5796
02-01-2025 124.8865
01-01-2025 123.2334
31-12-2024 123.1702
30-12-2024 122.9307
27-12-2024 123.5685
26-12-2024 123.6965
24-12-2024 123.6814
23-12-2024 123.3995
20-12-2024 123.4795
19-12-2024 125.6626
18-12-2024 126.7163
17-12-2024 127.9404
16-12-2024 129.2818
13-12-2024 129.219
12-12-2024 128.7341
11-12-2024 129.5517
10-12-2024 129.6153
09-12-2024 129.663
06-12-2024 129.6456
05-12-2024 129.414
04-12-2024 128.293
03-12-2024 128.0058
02-12-2024 126.8214
29-11-2024 126.4687
28-11-2024 125.575
27-11-2024 126.5012
26-11-2024 125.6977
25-11-2024 125.5142
22-11-2024 123.9062
21-11-2024 121.7119
19-11-2024 122.8466
18-11-2024 122.1871
14-11-2024 122.6162
13-11-2024 122.1081
12-11-2024 124.3058
11-11-2024 125.7097
08-11-2024 125.635
07-11-2024 126.7415
06-11-2024 127.8916
05-11-2024 126.3493
04-11-2024 125.2624
31-10-2024 126.2267
30-10-2024 126.3893
29-10-2024 126.6682
28-10-2024 125.5426
25-10-2024 125.1872
24-10-2024 126.7885
23-10-2024 126.9974
22-10-2024 126.8017
21-10-2024 129.4293
18-10-2024 130.1848
17-10-2024 129.6343
16-10-2024 131.2215
15-10-2024 131.6673
14-10-2024 131.1201
11-10-2024 130.4701
10-10-2024 130.592
09-10-2024 130.4012
08-10-2024 129.7919
07-10-2024 127.8853
04-10-2024 130.2084
03-10-2024 131.5147
01-10-2024 134.0607
30-09-2024 133.9876
27-09-2024 135.5607
26-09-2024 136.226
25-09-2024 135.9307
24-09-2024 136.0005
23-09-2024 135.8008
20-09-2024 134.5837
19-09-2024 132.9169
18-09-2024 133.1008
17-09-2024 132.9019
16-09-2024 132.7645
13-09-2024 132.0058
12-09-2024 131.9346
11-09-2024 130.1022
10-09-2024 131.05
09-09-2024 129.9434
06-09-2024 130.0085
05-09-2024 131.8278
04-09-2024 131.1962
03-09-2024 131.5746
02-09-2024 131.2298
30-08-2024 131.1787
29-08-2024 130.6811
28-08-2024 130.7197
27-08-2024 130.7884
26-08-2024 130.1666
23-08-2024 129.2254
22-08-2024 129.0996
21-08-2024 128.6466
20-08-2024 128.1089
19-08-2024 127.0506
16-08-2024 126.8463
14-08-2024 124.9851
13-08-2024 125.1219
12-08-2024 126.7642
09-08-2024 127.0328
08-08-2024 125.9079
07-08-2024 126.5674
06-08-2024 124.4392
05-08-2024 125.327
02-08-2024 129.5264
01-08-2024 130.8532
31-07-2024 130.9266
30-07-2024 130.4405
29-07-2024 130.2408
26-07-2024 129.9905
25-07-2024 128.0694
24-07-2024 128.0447
23-07-2024 127.2029
22-07-2024 127.6865
19-07-2024 126.8965
18-07-2024 129.015
16-07-2024 128.9425
15-07-2024 129.0279
12-07-2024 128.1724
11-07-2024 128.2701
10-07-2024 128.0154
09-07-2024 128.497
08-07-2024 127.8248
05-07-2024 127.8474
04-07-2024 127.6596
03-07-2024 127.1669
02-07-2024 126.2175
01-07-2024 126.298
28-06-2024 124.8176
27-06-2024 125.0917
26-06-2024 124.3887
25-06-2024 123.9978
24-06-2024 123.3774
21-06-2024 122.9687
20-06-2024 123.163
19-06-2024 123.1735
18-06-2024 123.5307
14-06-2024 122.7014
13-06-2024 121.9236
12-06-2024 121.3946
11-06-2024 120.6967
10-06-2024 120.5013
07-06-2024 119.6287
06-06-2024 117.8619
05-06-2024 115.8686
04-06-2024 111.8481
03-06-2024 120.8736
31-05-2024 116.8815
30-05-2024 116.4609
29-05-2024 116.9518
28-05-2024 117.9253
27-05-2024 118.2876
24-05-2024 118.3874
23-05-2024 118.1617
22-05-2024 117.0177
21-05-2024 116.8198
17-05-2024 116.5323
16-05-2024 115.6156
15-05-2024 114.3485
14-05-2024 113.4664
13-05-2024 112.5688
10-05-2024 112.6344
09-05-2024 111.8302
08-05-2024 114.0154
07-05-2024 113.174
06-05-2024 114.6586
03-05-2024 115.6212
02-05-2024 116.1772
30-04-2024 115.2638
29-04-2024 115.0354
26-04-2024 113.9992
25-04-2024 114.1978
24-04-2024 113.3495
23-04-2024 112.7705
22-04-2024 112.2154
19-04-2024 111.0894
18-04-2024 110.6616
16-04-2024 110.7257
15-04-2024 110.9571
12-04-2024 112.5193
10-04-2024 113.4501
09-04-2024 112.4557
08-04-2024 112.6684
05-04-2024 112.0831
04-04-2024 111.932
03-04-2024 111.678
02-04-2024 111.2351
01-04-2024 110.9938
31-03-2024 109.8035
28-03-2024 109.8179
27-03-2024 108.8581
26-03-2024 108.548

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